






Our mission statement reads...

“We invite you to BELONG to a family of people;
that BELIEVE Christ can transform our hearts;
that we may BECOME all that he created us to be.”


Our vision for reaching that mission is...

1. Every area of ministry at Hillside will work towards the development of an Intercultural and Intergenerational programming.

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  • This does not assume that every activity will, or must achieve that dynamic, but that strategies will be implemented toward that overall goal.
  • Intercultural is different than multicultural, in that the multicultural church supports the continued, segregated development of multiple faith groups within the body, whereas intercultural ministry development is focused on many cultures but one body.
  • In a similar fashion, Intergenerational is different than multigenerational in that there will be a concerted effort, where it is possible, effective and advantageous for the spiritual formation of the body, for the generations to join together in the journey.


2. Every Hillside attender, will eventually be drawn into a 3-layered involvement with the body. Those areas of involvement will be Corporate Worship, Small Groups and Service.

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CORPORATE WORSHIP unites us all in purpose and harmony under the guidance of The Father in a singular, shared experience and exercise of the faith community. (John 17:11, Eph. 4:1-6)

SMALL GROUP emphasis allows for greater personal sharing for the purposes of encouragement and accountability in the faith community. (Hebrews 10:24-25, Proverbs 27:17)

SERVICE type involvement gives individuals the opportunity to be a giver in addition to being a receiver in the faith community. (Mark 12:41-44, I Cor. 12, II Cor. 5:16-20)


3. Every member of Hillside is encouraged to become a neighbor to whomever Christ brings into their life.

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At home, school, or in the workplace, we are to be the tangible presence of Jesus to those around us. The points of connection mentioned above (point 2) function as an organized effort to help in drawing people into the kingdom and also a deepening experience of The Body of Christ, once someone has come to know Jesus as Lord. However, the primary and initial avenue that Jesus most often uses to reach into this world is through the individual relationships each of us has with the people around us. God's design for growing his kingdom is person to person, not person to program.


As a church within the "Church of the Nazarene" denomination, we have a system of beliefs about God and His Word


Click here for more info about who we are and what we believe