Rob serving coffee


Sunday School - Adult Classes - 9:15AM

Worship Service - All Ages - 10:30AM


This is a typical Sunday at Hillside Church

Sunday School

Sunday School starts at 9:15AM. Several different Sunday School classes offer varied age groups, teaching styles, various discussion formats, and different topics of study.


Sunday Service starts at 10:30AM. The music will start and someone will welcome you in. The worship team will play some uplifting, inspiring songs. The pastor will talk about what the Bible has to say about real life.


If you fill out the tear-off "Get Connected" portion of the bulletin during service and drop it  in one of the Communication boxes by the Sanctuary doors it will help us to know you a bit better. Leave a note or check one of the boxes to participate in some of the upcoming events listed in the bulletin or on the website.


The Hillside community comes from a wide variety of backgrounds, and this is reflected in the way we dress on Sunday.